Trust Funds Nairobi


A Will that does not conform to the law could be successfully challenged and revoked or have the invalid section revoked. Here are common grounds for challenging a Will: The Will was made/executed under undue influence or coercion. The Will is unclear. A latter Will has been made taking precedence over an earlier Will. The[…..]

Women Rights Nairobi

Protecting your Assets as a woman in Kenya

“With women attaining college degrees at higher rates, accessing higher wages than ever before, and single women purchasing homes more often than single men, we may be seeing the effect of female millennials who want to protect their financial interests when entering into marriage.”~Source~ There are many ways both single and married women can protect[…..]

who will take guardianship of my children kenya

Peace of Mind is spelled W-I-L-L

Writing a Will is sometimes considered a morbid exercise as it brings us face to face with our own mortality. It is also a highly unselfish act as it is guaranteed that you will not be around to see the benefits of having made a well-drafted Will! It is for this reason that many people[…..]